21 day kikfit program for body, mind and soul ACCREDITED
Тotal physical, mental and spiritual transformation in 21 days
Тotal physical, mental and spiritual transformation in 21 days
Introduction in 21 day kikfit program for body, mind and soul
Benefits of this program
How this program work
Tips for success
About spiritual training
Visualization as spirit care technique
How to visualize
Recommended products for healthy nutrition
Nutrition during the program
How you can buy products for this program
About me
My transformation before and after using the program
How to see your transformation
WEEK 1 DAY 1 Combo 1 workout 1 + Mind workout 1 practice
DAY2 Combo 1,2 workout 1 + Mind workout 2 practice
DAY 3 Combo 1,2,3 workout 1 + Mind workout 3 practice
DAY 4 Combo 1,2,3,4 workout 1 + Mind workout 4 practice
DAY 5 Combo 1,2,3,4,5 workout 1 + Mind workout 5 practice
DAY 6 Routine Combo 1,2,3,4,5 workout 1 + Mind workout 1-5 by choice practice
DAY 7 Routine Combo 1,2,3,4,5 workout 1 + Mind workout 1-5 by choice practice
WEEK 2 DAY 8 Combo 1,2,3,4,5,6 workout 1 + Mind workout 1 practice
DAY 9 Combo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 workout 1 + Mind workout 2 practice FULLBODY WORKOUT 1
DAY 10 Combo 1 workout 2 + Mind workout 1 practice
DAY 11 Combo 1,2 workout 2 + Mind workout 2 practice
DAY 12 Combo 1,2,3 workout 2 + Mind workout 3 practice
DAY 13 Routine Combo 1,2,3 workout 2 + Mind workout 1-5 by choice practice
DAY 14 Routine Combo 1,2,3 workout 2 + Mind workout 1-5 by choice practice
WEEK 3 DAY 15 Combo 1,2,3,4 workout 2 + Mind workout 4 practice
DAY 16 Combo 1,2,3,4,5 workout 2 + Mind workout 5 practice
DAY 17 Combo 1,2,3,4,5,6 workout 2 + Mind workout 1 practice
DAY 18 Combo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 workout 2 + Mind workout 2 practice FULLBODY WORKOUT2
DAY 19 Routine Full body workout 2 +Mind workout 1-5 by choice practice
DAY 20 Routine Full body workout 1 +Mind workout 1-5 by choice practice
DAY 21 Task
How to use program after 21 days
Warm up video
Cool down video
Debes tener en cuenta que los cupones duran maximo 4 dias o hasta agotar 1000 inscripciones,pero puede vencer en cualquier momento. Obten el curso con cupon haciendo clic en el siguiente boton:
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